TIPOLISO Objectives
To promote an environment in which children and other vulnerable children are adequately cared for, supported and protected physically, psychologically, materially, socially, morally, spiritually and legally to grow and develop to their full potential in Zomba District.
To build and strength the capacity gap of the community and stakeholders to improve the well-being of young people
To provide education and child development opportunities for vulnerable and special needs Children in order to build children's self-esteem, self-reliance, curiosity, cognitive and social skill.
Promote inclusive education.
To strengthen and support effective collaboration among the key stakeholders/players in the areas of early childhood development services to enhance positive action and access to health care and appropriate referral.
To promote and improve the provision of quality care and support to people living with HIV / AIDS and those affected.
Promote human rights and protection among children, girls and women.
To enhance provision of quality child care survival, growth, stimulation and early learning through promotion of PMTCT, Care for Child Development CCD and Early Child Development.
To promote food availability and nutrition through conservation farming, agroforestry and goat pass on project to vulnerable house holds.
To promote Economic empowerment to needy PLWHA , youth and vulnerable children guardian.
To improve leadership networking and collaboration among key stakeholders including Government, community leaders, parents and community.
To promote women and girls livelihood to strengthen their economic empowerment through bee keeping, irrigation and village saving and loans
To promote conservation agriculture and agroforestry ,as well as climate change education and natural resource management to our learners,girls and women