What We Do In Pictures

What We Do Pictorial Focus

Drawing map of their area enables community especially children’s girls and women plus learners to know and appreciate socials services which they have in their community and missed things in their communities at the same area they through map drawing they are able to identify rivers and places where floods occurs during disaster and able to identify safer places to go during disaster

Promoting conservation agriculture and agroforestry ,as well as climate change education and natural resource management to our learners,girls and women

Promoting  women and girls livelihood to strengthen their economic empowerment through bee keeping.

TIPOLISO is deeply committed to prioritizing the well-being and development of young children. We strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive. Our focus on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and child protection ensures that children are shielded from harm, including disasters, early marriages, early pregnancies, sexual abuse, and harassment.

To achieve this, we actively promote Community-Based Child Care Centers (CBCCs). These centers provide quality childcare and early education, empowering children with essential skills and knowledge. By fostering a strong foundation, we aim to equip children with the tools they need to reach their full potential and lead healthy, productive lives.